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How SharePoint Online Can Support Business Modernization

by Business Bod

Discover how SharePoint Online can revolutionize your business document management. Learn about the benefits of a centralized document repository, collaborative document editing, and workflow automation, and explore SharePoint’s seamless integration with the Microsoft 365 Suite. Modernize your business with SharePoint Online.

SharePoint Online is the most up-to-date iteration of a solution that has been around for several decades. Primarily a cloud-based content and information management solution, SharePoint Online has been leveraged by many organisations to inject a more modern approach to the way they manage files, content, and information.

We discussed this with TechQuarters, a provider of managed IT services London-based companies have been relying on since 2010. As a Microsoft partner, they have been using SharePoint for a long time, and shared with us some of its most valuable components, and how they assist businesses with modernizing.

  1. Centralized Document Repository

The most notable aspect of SharePoint Online is its used as a centralised document repository. SharePoint’s document library feature provides a robust and efficient solution for organizing and managing documents within a centralized repository, which includes robust version control and document tracking capabilities. Version control ensures that users always work on the latest iteration of a document, preventing confusion and reducing errors caused by multiple versions floating around. Document tracking provides a comprehensive audit trail, capturing changes, updates, and user actions, which is invaluable for compliance and accountability purposes.

  1. Collaborative Document Editing

SharePoint’s co-authoring feature enables users to collaborate on content with colleagues in real-time and remotely if they are in separate locations. As users make changes, their edits are instantly reflected, allowing for seamless collaboration and fostering a more dynamic and efficient working environment.

The advantages of collaborative editing in SharePoint are significant. Real-time collaboration promotes teamwork, as team members can contribute and provide feedback simultaneously. This leads to increased productivity and faster decision-making processes.

  1. Workflow Automation

SharePoint’s robust workflow capabilities empower organizations to automate document-related processes, saving time and reducing manual tasks. Workflows in SharePoint allow for the creation of customized sequences of actions and tasks that can be triggered based on predefined conditions. These workflows can be designed to automate document approval processes, content publishing, notification systems, and more. Automation brings a multitude of benefits – as a managed IT services company, TechQuarters have leveraged automation for many of their clients. They stated that it helps to reduce the risk of errors with routine tasks, as well as improve the efficiency of them.

  1. Document Security and Permissions

SharePoint offers robust security features to safeguard business documents and protect sensitive information. Access control and permissions management allow administrators to define and enforce granular access rights for individual users or groups. This ensures that only authorized personnel can view, edit, or delete specific documents, maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.

Document security is very important for modern businesses – as is all forms of security. SharePoint upholds document security by virtue of being a cloud-based solution that supports strong access controls and rights management.

  1. Integration with Microsoft 365 Suite

SharePoint seamlessly integrates with the broader Microsoft 365 Suite, unlocking powerful synergies and enhancing productivity across multiple applications. SharePoint serves as a central hub for document sharing, collaboration, and content management, while integrating with other Microsoft tools, such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and OneDrive.

Having provided Microsoft 365 consultancy to many businesses in the past, TechQuarters asserted that SharePoint, in conjunction with the rest of the Microsoft 365 suite offers a modern approach to business productivity. For instance, SharePoint and Microsoft Teams together offer excellent collaboration capabilities. Additionally, SharePoint’s integration with other tools like OneDrive allows for synchronized file storage and access across platforms, providing flexibility and convenience for users.

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