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Short-Term Rentals

Short-Term Rentals: Pros, Cons, and Best Practices for Landlords

by Business Bod

In recent years, the rise of the sharing economy has transformed the rental market, offering landlords new opportunities for maximizing their return on investment through short-term rentals. Platforms such as Airbnb and Vrbo have made it easier than ever for property owners to connect with travelers seeking the comfort and convenience of a home away from home.

However, as with any business venture, short-term rentals come with their own set of challenges and potential pitfalls. This guide explores the pros and cons of short-term rentals, along with best practices for landlords to consider.


One of the most attractive aspects of short-term rentals is the potential for higher income. With short-term rentals, landlords can often charge higher rates per night than they could with a long-term lease. Moreover, offering a property as a vacation rental can also provide tax benefits, with the ability to deduct expenses like cleaning and maintenance.


On the flip side, short-term rentals come with their share of challenges. There’s increased wear and tear on the property, due to the higher turnover of guests. Additionally, managing bookings, cleaning, and maintenance can be time-consuming. There’s also the possibility of dealing with problematic guests and potential legal issues, as some cities have strict regulations regarding short-term rentals.

Best Practices for Landlords

Landlords interested in entering the short-term rental market should consider the following best practices. Firstly, research local rules and regulations to ensure you’re compliant. Next, carefully screen potential guests to mitigate potential issues. Consider hiring a property management company if managing multiple properties or if you find the task too overwhelming. Lastly, ensure you have comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against any potential damages or liability issues.

Long-Term Rentals: The Case for Stability and Consistency

While short-term rentals offer the allure of higher income, long-term rentals should not be dismissed. There are several reasons why landlords might prefer long-term rentals over their short-term counterparts.

Long-term rentals offer a more stable income stream as they are typically leased for periods of six months to a year, or even longer. This means that rental income is guaranteed for the duration of the lease agreement, regardless of seasonality or fluctuations in tourism.

Long-term tenants tend to take better care of the property as they consider it their home. This results in less wear and tear compared to short-term rentals, which can translate to lower maintenance and repair costs over time.

The logistics of managing long-term rentals can also be simpler. With fewer tenant turnovers, there’s less time and money spent on advertising the property, screening tenants, and arranging cleaning services. Additionally, with apps like Door Way Tenant Management, managing a property with long-term tenants is easier than ever before.

Finally, long-term rentals generally pose fewer legal issues. In many cities, short-term rentals are heavily regulated and sometimes even prohibited, whereas the rules for long-term rentals are usually more lenient.

While the potential earnings may not be as high as with short-term rentals, the benefits of stability, lower maintenance costs, and fewer legal complications make long-term rentals a viable and often preferred option for many landlords.

In conclusion, the choice between short-term and long-term rentals fundamentally depends on a landlord’s individual circumstances, goals, and risk tolerance. Short-term rentals can be lucrative but often require more time, and effort, and potentially carry more legal risks. Conversely, long-term rentals may offer less income potential, but provide more stability and fewer operational demands. Whichever path you choose, being aware of the pros and cons, as well as adhering to best practices, will increase your chances of success in the rental market.

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