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How to Recognize the Signs of Addiction

by Business Bod

If a loved one shows signs of addiction, it’s a very concerning trend. Few things worry more than knowing someone you care about is moving towards a dangerous downward spiral.

Understanding the signs of addiction is essential when trying to intervene. Often, the earlier you intervene in addiction, the higher the chances of rehabilitation successfully.

Let’s look at everything you need to know about the signs of addiction.

Loss of Control

A hallmark sign of addiction is the inability to control substance use or behavior, despite negative consequences. This means the person may try to cut down or stop but cannot. They may also use the substance or engage in the behavior more frequently or for longer periods than they intended.

Increased Tolerance

Over time, the body and brain may become accustomed to the substance or behavior, leading to a need for larger amounts or longer engagement periods to achieve the desired effect. This can be dangerous, leading to overdose or other negative health consequences.

Withdrawal Symptoms

When someone tries to stop using the drug or doing the behavior, they may have physical or mental symptoms. Some of the mild to severe ones are feeling sick, sweating, getting anxious, feeling sad, or having seizures. Symptoms of withdrawal can show that the body is dependent on the drug or behavior.

Continuing Use Despite Negative Consequences

A person with an addiction may continue to use the substance or engage in the behavior, even when it causes problems in their relationships, work, or health. They may prioritize their addiction above other important areas of their life and feel unable to stop, despite the negative consequences.

Neglecting Responsibilities

Addiction can take a toll on a person’s ability to fulfill their responsibilities, such as work, school, or family obligations. They may call in sick to work, miss important family events, or neglect their children’s needs. This can lead to further negative consequences, such as job loss or legal problems.

Obsessive Thinking

A person with an addiction may spend a lot of time thinking about the substance or behavior to the point where it becomes a preoccupation. They may prioritize their addiction over other activities or relationships, leading to social withdrawal or isolation.

Social Withdrawal

Social withdrawal is a common sign of addiction, and a person may withdraw from social activities or relationships in favor of their substance use or behavior. This can be a lonely and isolating experience, but it’s important to remember that help is available.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, you can read about substance abuse treatment and find resources to get the needed help. With the right support and treatment, recovery is possible.

Financial Difficulties

Addiction can also be expensive. People may spend money they can’t afford on the substance or behavior or engage in illegal activities to obtain money for their addiction. This can lead to debt, financial problems, and legal trouble.

Spot the Common Signs of Addiction Before It’s Too Late

Addiction is a complex condition; recognizing the signs of addiction early can help someone get treatment. Many resources are available in your local community to provide support and assistance.

If you or a loved one has an addiction problem, don’t hesitate to ask for help – talk to a counselor, a doctor, or the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration hotline.

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