Home » A Quick Guide to the Melbourne Conveyancing Process

A Quick Guide to the Melbourne Conveyancing Process

by Business Bod

Buying or selling a property can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the legalities and procedures involved in the property transaction process. That’s why it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what Melbourne conveyancing entails, which ensures the smooth transfer of property ownership from the seller to the buyer. If you want to learn about the specific steps involved in the conveyancing process, this article will provide a quick guide to help you understand the key stages.

Choosing a Conveyancer or Solicitor

The first step in the Melbourne conveyancing process is to engage the services of a qualified conveyancer or solicitor. These professionals have expertise in property law and can guide you through the process, ensuring that all legal requirements are met and any potential risks are mitigated. When choosing a conveyancer or solicitor, look for someone with experience in Melbourne conveyancing, a strong reputation in the field and excellent communication skills.

Preparing the Contract of Sale

Once you’ve engaged a conveyancer or solicitor, they’ll begin preparing the Contract of Sale. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions of the property sale, including the purchase price, settlement date and any special conditions that may apply to the specific property being transacted. Your conveyancer or solicitor will also conduct searches and obtain relevant documents such as the Certificate of Title, which provides evidence of the property’s ownership and any easements or conditions on the title that may affect the sale.

Exchanging Contracts

After the Contract of Sale has been prepared and both parties are satisfied with its terms, the contracts will be exchanged between the buyer and the seller. This is a critical stage in the Melbourne conveyancing process, as it legally binds both parties to the agreed-upon terms and conditions. At this point, the buyer is typically required to pay a deposit, which is usually around 10% of the purchase price.

Cooling-Off Period

In Victoria, there’s a statutory cooling-off period of three business days after the contracts have been exchanged. This means that the buyer has the option to change their mind and cancel the contract during this time, although they may be required to pay a penalty fee. It’s important to note that the cooling-off period doesn’t apply in certain situations, such as when purchasing a property at auction or if the buyer is a corporation.

Pre-Settlement Inspections & Final Searches

As the settlement date approaches, the buyer has the right to conduct a pre-settlement inspection of the property to ensure that it’s in the same condition as when the contracts were exchanged. Your conveyancer or solicitor will also carry out final searches to confirm that there are no outstanding issues or encumbrances on the property.

Settlement Day

On the settlement day, the balance of the purchase price will be paid, and the property is then legally transferred from the seller to the buyer. Your conveyancer or solicitor will coordinate with the other party’s legal representative and the financial institutions involved to ensure a smooth settlement process. Once the settlement has been completed, the buyer can take possession of the property.


Understanding the Melbourne conveyancing process is essential for both buyers and sellers to ensure a successful property transaction. By engaging the services of a qualified conveyancer or solicitor and following the key stages outlined in this guide, you can navigate the conveyancing process with confidence and peace of mind.

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