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The Pros and Cons of Using Braces to Treat Crooked Teeth

by Business Bod

Do you have braces on crooked teeth?

Your teeth may be crooked for many reasons. Playing sports, losing baby teeth early, tooth decay or your genetic predisposition could be the cause. Despite how they’re crooked, you want to fix it.

However, solving the problem isn’t that easy. You need to weigh the pros and cons of orthodontic treatment to decide.

If you’re thinking of getting braces, here are the advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Pros of Braces

Braces are a popular way to treat crooked teeth for both children and adults. One of the main benefits of using pros of braces is that the treatment can correct the alignment of crooked teeth, which can improve their appearance and make them easier to keep clean and healthy.

Additionally, braces can help to improve a patient’s bite, as the teeth may be more evenly aligned, which can prevent conditions like temporomandibular joint disorder from developing. And braces can even help to prevent gum disease, as the patient’s gums are more likely to be able to do their job of providing adequate support to the teeth if their bite isn’t misaligned. Read more of its benefits here:

Strengthens Gums

Braces are commonly used to straighten teeth, but they offer more than a cosmetic benefit – they have been shown to be effective in strengthening gums. When teeth are misaligned, gums may be more prone to infection and other issues.

Braces can help realign teeth while also actively reinforcing the gum line and helping to avoid periodontal diseases. Further, braces can improve the overall structure of a person’s jaw, including occlusion and bite.

Effective Treatment

One of the main pros of using braces to treat crooked teeth is that they are an effective treatment. Braces are designed to gently move the teeth over the course of time to their correct alignments and positions, allowing for the teeth to be corrected and straightened efficiently.

Braces are also easy to maintain and care for, providing long-lasting results with little maintenance required. They also provide a way to correct other orthodontic issues, such as overcrowding, gaps, overbites, underbites, and other misalignments.

Highly Customizable

Braces are highly customizable when it comes to treating crooked teeth. Choosing between Invisalign vs metal braces, a trained orthodontist can properly adjust the braces to the individual’s needs. This allows the doctor to customize the treatment to the patient’s exact alignment issues.

The customization of the braces allows the patient to feel comfortable during the treatment process and gives the orthodontist the flexibility to tailor the braces to fit the specifics of each patient.

New Technology Available

There are many benefits to using invisible braces to treat crooked teeth. New technology available has made this process more efficient and effective than ever before. Braces have proven to be a safe and reliable treatment for correcting misaligned teeth.

Braces can not only improve the appearance of the patient’s smile, but they can also improve the patient’s dental health by helping them achieve a healthier bite and reducing the risk of other dental issues.

Save Money And Time

Braces are a cost-effective and time-efficient solution to treating crooked teeth. Traditional braces cost much less than other treatments, such as veneers or crowns, and they take far less time to install.

Braces also make it easier for the dentist to adjust the teeth into the desired position without having to remove teeth that are out of line. The amount of time spent on braces is much less than other treatments, making it a great choice for those with a busy lifestyle.

Cons Braces

The cons of using cons braces on crooked teeth can be numerous and uncomfortable. An important con is the visibility that braces create. Depending on the type of braces chosen, they can be very visible and can take away from the appearance of the face.

Braces can also be painful and cause irritation in the mouth. With nerves, tissue, and supporting bone being moved during the treatment course, the discomfort can be difficult to handle. The cost of cons of brace and of the necessary follow-up care can also be high, and not every person can afford these costs. Here are more of its disadvantages:

Braces Can Be Very Noticeable

Braces can be very noticeable, which can be a major drawback for people trying to achieve a beautiful smile. Having visible braces on your teeth can make you self-conscious since other people naturally focus more attention on your teeth.

In some cases, braces can even cause people to avoid smiling or speaking openly, especially in social settings. Some teenagers and adults may feel embarrassed to have braces on their teeth, and this can take a toll on their self-esteem.

They Can Be Difficult to Clean

Braces are a common form of orthodontic treatment for people with crooked teeth. While these braces are effective in correcting misaligned teeth, they can be difficult to keep clean. Due to the nature of braces, food and plaque can become trapped in places that a regular toothbrush cannot reach.

This can lead to bad breath, cavities, and gum discomfort. Additionally, braces are made of metal and plastic, which can make them scratchy against soft flesh. In order to prevent any hygiene issues, the wearer must take extra care when brushing and flossing. Moreover, wires and brackets can rub against the inside of the mouth, causing it to be irritated and swollen.

Can Be Expensive

The cons of using braces on crooked teeth can be expensive. The true cost of braces depends on the severity of the misalignment, the length of time in which to correct the issues, and the type of cons braces used. Traditional metal braces start at around $3,000 and can be as expensive as $12,000.

Clear braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign tend to be slightly more expensive than metal braces. In addition, it is important to recognize that once you receive braces, you will have to maintain them for the entirety of the agreed-upon time period, otherwise, you may be faced with additional costs for relapse corrective measures.

Learn More About Braces on Crooked Teeth

In conclusion, braces are an effective treatment for crooked teeth, and many available options make them more accessible for different lifestyles. With thoughtful consideration of the pros and cons of getting braces, individuals can make an informed decision. For more information on braces on crooked teeth, visit Oral-B today.

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